Tootekirjeldus / Product Description:
- Coffee “Chilli Chocolate” – (coffee beans)
Origin and Plantation
This blend also presents only select Arabica beans, which have been gently refined in our own roaster. This composition will definitely offer you a unique taste experience.
Character and Taste
The full, strong aroma of dark chocolate, only to be followed by a pleasantly balanced spiciness, dominates the first impression. The natural sweetness of this carefully roasted coffee gives a subtle touch to this speciality and makes this coffee a must for all those who “like it hot”! The Aztecs were well aware of the effect of hot chilli matched with fine chocolate and rejoiced in this fiery “love potion”.
- kohv “Kohv “Chilli Chocolate”” – (kohvioad)
Päritolu ja istandus
Selles segus pakutakse ka ainult valitud araabika ube, mida on meie enda röstijas õrnalt viimistletud. See kompositsioon pakub teile kindlasti ainulaadset maitseelamust.
Iseloom ja maitse
Esmamuljes domineerib tumeda šokolaadi täielik, tugev aroom, millele järgneb ainult meeldivalt tasakaalustatud vürtsikus. Selle hoolikalt röstitud kohvi loomulik magusus annab sellele eripärale peene puudutuse ja muudab selle kohvi kohustuslikuks kõigile neile, kellele see “kuumalt meeldib”! Asteegid olid hästi teadlikud peene šokolaadiga sobitatud kuuma tšilli mõjust ja rõõmustasid selle tulise “armujoogi” üle.
Koostisosad / Ingredients: Parimad mägikohvid (100% araabika oad)
The best mountain coffees (100% Arabica beans)..
Ettevalmistus / Preparation:
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