Tootekirjeldus / Product Description:
Morning on ubade kohvisegu, mis sobib ideaalselt kohvikutesse, restoranidesse ja kohtadesse, mis otsivad täiuslikku tasakaalu segamise ja röstimise vahel, et luua täiuslik cappuccino.
Segu on valmistatud araabika ubade kohvist Brasiiliast ja Kesk-Ameerikast ning Robustast Aasiast ja Aafrikast.
See valik pakub tasakaalustatud aromaatseid noote, mis sobivad ideaalselt cappuccino valmistamiseks, puuviljade ja šokolaadi nootidega, mida saadavad puuviljased ja lillelised noodid.
Morning is the beans coffee blend ideal for cafés, restaurants and places looking for the perfect balance between blending and roasting to create a perfect cappuccino.
The blend is made of Arabica beans coffee from Brazil and Central America and Robusta from Asia and Africa.
This selection provides balanced, aromatic notes perfect for obtaining a cappuccino with hints of fruit and chocolate are accompanied by fruity and floral notes.
A blend of coffee beans for espresso machines at the coffee bar with a rounded and aromatic taste. Made up of a balanced proportion of Arabica and Robusta coming from selected plantations growing the best Brazilian, Central American, Asian and African coffees.
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